Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Back to blogging... 101+ Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

Dear Leana and friends/family who are crazy enough to want to read my blog:

It's been a while since I created this blog (June 2012!) and I've only done 1 post. The more I put it off, the more exciting adventures I have, the more ideas I get for writing and the more I want to write... but the harder it becomes because I just want to be able to put it all down on paper (well, in cyberspace) without leaving anything out, all in one sitting - blog post after blog post. I've now realized the impossibility of this and accepted that I just need to start somewhere. It doesn't have to be at the beginning. It doesn't have to start with my adventures teaching in Taiwan for the month of July, my Canadian roadtip to Sudbury, or even anything during my first few amazing and eye-opening months teaching in Korea. That's the thing about letters... sometimes they come late in the mail, but it's always exciting reading them. I hope that these letters from me reach you, no matter where you are or wherever I am in the world right now.

So, to kick off my letter blog (for real this time - I have it written in #17!), I am promising myself to live my life to the fullest and with purpose, no matter how cliche it may sound. Inspired by some of my friends in Korea (Alex, Emily, Jenn and Ashley, to name a few) who have made their own bucket list, I've decided to write my own. I don't see it as a checklist of things I absolutely HAVE to do and check off to make myself feel "special" or "worthy" (lol) - but I think I see it more as a way to have goals in life and to never forget what it is that I want to accomplish and to never forget who I am. It was tough at first, but then I was on a roll and voila! I feel like I'll be able to keep adding things over the years as I discover more :) So, here's my list... Hopefully it will inspire you too. 

Yours Truly,


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi

101+ Things I Want to do in my Lifetime 
  1. Teach and live in at least 5 countries (hopefully more) within 5 years (2012-2016)
  2. Learn how to not procrastinate with what matters to me! (i.e. writing, doing educational research for my future Masters/career, staying in contact with friends/family, etc.)
  3. Skydive or go in an indoor skydive place (wind tunnel)
  4. Be completely fluent in French (near-native French!)
  5. Learn the basics of at least 5 languages other than English and French
  6. Get my Masters of Education
  7. Go to a Full Moon Party
  8.  Have a mud fight
  9. Do the Polar Bear Dip
  10.  Step foot on all the continents
  11. Ride an elephant in India
  12. Road trip across Canada
  13. Road trip along the California coastline
  14. Help build a school in another country
  15. Teach at a private school and/or international school
  16. Experience culture shock and reverse culture shock
  17. Keep a blog going for longer than a year
  18. Create a class or teaching website for me, my students, parents, co-workers, etc.
  19. Grow a watermelon
  20. Have a huge herb garden and cook meals using it
  21. Take a cooking lesson (formal or informal) in every country I visit (ongoing)
  22.   Create(and completely finish) a scrapbook
  23. Write a book and get it published
  24. Write an article and get it published
  25. Open a time capsule from my past
  26. Complete the November writing challenge (NaNoWriMo)
  27.  Live and work in a French-speaking country
  28.  Be a bartender (even if it’s just for a short period)
  29. Sail in the Mediterranean
  30.  Learn how to dive properly
  31. Learn how to scuba dive
  32. Have both lower and upper abs (that you can see!)
  33. Help make positive changes in the Canadian education system
  34. Live in a treehouse
  35. Create a painting that I'm proud of and hang it in my house
  36. Pay it forward
  37. Explore Toyko, Japan
  38. Be able to complete a full newspaper crossword puzzle within 1 day
  39. Learn to dance k-pop style
  40.  Learn to salsa at an intermediate+ level (higher than just beginner)
  41.  Create my own teas
  42. Go white water river rafting
  43. Connect with the teachers from my past
  44. Fly in a hot air balloon
  45. Fall in love
  46. Get married one day
  47. Run a 5K race at least twice (and beat my time)
  48. Own a cat
  49. Go wine-tasting (and be somewhat of a connoisseur?)
  50. Make wine from scratch – Squish the grapes with my feet!!
  51. Learn the basics of playing piano
  52. Re-learn how to play the guitar (and be even better than better)
  53. Witness a solar eclipse
  54. Pack my bags and set off on a trip with no itinerary or real destinations in mind
  55. Swim with dolphins (or manatees!)
  56. Volunteer abroad in a meaningful way
  57. Find a liana (a type of vine in the rainforest)
  58. Custom-build a home for myself
  59. Work at random jobs while on a vacation/back-packing (i.e. bar, tutoring, hostel...)
  60.  Be a vegetarian for 1 full month
  61. Sleep on the beach
  62. Do a temple stay
  63. Visit/hike on a volcano
  64. Ride a standing-up roller coaster
  65. Complete the 365 day photo challenge
  66. Make a difference in someone’s life
  67. Take the Trans-Siberian Railroad
  68. Drive a dog/husky sled – and yell mush!
  69. Play an 18 hole round of golf
  70. See and try to catch fireflies
  71. Travel in South America
  72. Travel in Europe
  73. Travel in Australia/New Zealand
  74. Travel in at least 5 Asian countries (Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines... 3/5)
  75. Travel in Africa
  76. Ride a camel in Egypt and visit the pyramids
  77. Go trekking in a rainforest
  78. For all my family and good friends: Stay in contact and remind them I love them all no matter where I am in the world
  79. Be an awesomely epic maid of honour for Kirstie
  80. Stay at someone’s home while backpacking/traveling abroad
  81. Explore a castle
  82. Get a Chia Pet again!
  83.  Sleep in an igloo
  84. Go to film festivals in other countries (i.e. Cannes)
  85. Donate blood
  86. Be cliché and kiss at the Eiffel Tower
  87. Attend the Olympics (in a city other than my own)
  88. Get a tattoo
  89. Read a book per week for one year
  90. Attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans
  91. Live on the beach
  92. Ride a gondola in Venice
  93. Learn how to say “hello” and "cheers" (or at least how to order a drink) in 50 languages
  94. Visit the 7 New Wonders of the World
  95. Try couch-surfing
  96. Attend Oktoberfest in Germany
  97. Attend La Tomatina
  98. See the cherry blossoms in Asia (Korea or Japan...)
  99. Learn how to perform some magic tricks
  100. Learn to knit or sew well
  101. Read the complete works of Shakespeare
  102. Have my own library with a Beauty and the Beast sliding ladder
  103. Live in the countryside house/cottage in a European country (France, Italy, Spain?) for a summer
  104. Learn to surf
  105. See a live TED talk
  106. Attend a professional fashion show
  107. Go to Times Square on New Years Eve
  108. Get hypnotized
  109. Go skinny dipping in the ocean
  110.  Do a zipline

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